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Youth Wellbeing Research
Our city is growing, and Conscious Kids + AUT researchers are keen for young people to share their experiences during these changes.
Do you have a child (10-15 years old) who lives in Tamaki Makaurau | Auckland?
We’d love to hear about their wellbeing during the school holidays!
Click here to sign up with your young people so they can share their experiences.
Recruitment is now open!
Check out this short video about the study and how to take part:

+ Keen to know more?
Parents: Check this out - Whānau & Parent Information Sheet
Youth: Check this out - Youth Information Sheet
+ Keen to take part?
Here is the link to the Parent Consent Form
Spread the word and get your community involved!
It’s more fun to do things together – encourage your child to share about the study with their friends
Here is a handy flyer you can share
+ Have any questions?
Reach out to Lana, the primary researcher, directly: Email:
Phone: (09) 921 9999 ext 27147
Join us and be a Champion of Children's Voice.


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